Short Stories

Title: Another Slice ? A Collection of Short Stories
Publisher: Code Green Publishing
Pages: 209
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN 978-1907215-24-7

Publication date: 10th September 2014

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"This collection of short stories looks at the lives of those with an inability to take control of their circumstances. Their predicaments are portrayed with a wry sense of humour and an eye for detail."


Title:  SLICES OF LIFE: A Collection of Short Stories

Author: Patrick Semple

Publisher: Code Green Publishing

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Read the first chapter of Slices of Life

"Stories always tell us something about the teller, and these stories are the observations of a person who has spent a lifetime serving other people. Each story also tells us something about human nature and the lessons learned from observing the lives of others. Every story is a slice of life."

Some of the stories in ‘Slices of Life’:

  ‘Dinner Out’; A married woman on an evening out with an old flame reflects on what might have been.

  ‘Aunt Frances’; A woman going to live in France leads to an unlikely burial in the public cemetery of an Irish provincial town.

  ‘The Dinner Party’; A stunning surprise breaks up a post economic crash dinner party.

  ‘Breganmore’; The second coming of Christ occurs in an Irish rural village.

The Author Reading (MP3 Audio)         Dinner Out, The Archivist, Arthur & Jess, The Home
Code Green Publishers